Highway: ALL
Exit: ALL
State: WI
Phone: 877-349-2953
All types of vehicles and trailers. Since 1972, Axle Surgeons® has been using an exclusive patented replacement process on damaged axle tubes and spindles on vehicles 3/4-ton and up. For trucks, trailers, motorhomes, buses, refuse route haulers and off-road vehicles. On heavy-duty trailers, we replace worn or damaged spider plates and custom-fit most makes and models, even obsoletes.
The least cost, mobile alternative. Axle Surgeons® patented replacement process is ¼ the cost of a new housing with less down time because we come to you.
Replacement outlasts repair. Only certified Axle Surgeons® inserts a completely new spindle for a stronger fix and the reliability of an original part. Why pay the same amount or more for an old-fashioned, inferior patch or weld that fails leaving you stranded again with another bill?
One-step, competent service. Quickly dispatch your nearest, genuine Axle Surgeons® at no extra cost with one toll-free call to 1-877-FIX-AXLE (877-349-2953).
Mission Statement
Axle Surgeons® provides high quality mobile on-site repair technologies that have a positive financial impact on a trucking operation by reducing downtime and saving on repair costs. We believe that rigororigorous training and certification in repair procedures are keys to the success of our service professionals, CALL 877-349-2953.